Final Approach
I haven't read the whole thread, but it seems like the answer was covered in what I read on the first page, I just figured I'd throw my $.002 in.
As a (now-former) airline captain, odds are yes, you will be able to see the cockpit. It could happen before the flight, but you'd probably be better off to ask after. So long as it's not the last flight of the day for the crew (in which case they may be gone by the time the last pax are off), they're likely to be a lot more laid back and have more time to spare (and be able to get out of the cockpit themselves) after the flight than they can during boarding (when the entry way is usually pretty jammed).
In my few years with the airline I lost count of the number of people I had up front between flights. Felix can tell you something about that.
If you're really bold, ask them to hit the stick shaker test for you! :-D
Stick shaker test? Can they do that on a 757? What is it? Sounds mildly inappropriate.