Can I pick winners, or what?

How about if she stands you up after arranging to come over ... 4 times? Today it was after verifying about two hours before and setting the time.

Hey, that's almost enough time to get a CFIcast out the door. :D
Nick, I recommend you get to know the women before you meet and wind up buying them dinner. I met a wonderful woman on that site and yesterday marks 11 months that we've been together. People can say what they will about online dating sites, but this one really worked for me, and my girlfriend and I really are a great match for each other.
Nick, I recommend you get to know the women before you meet and wind up buying them dinner. I met a wonderful woman on that site and yesterday marks 11 months that we've been together. People can say what they will about online dating sites, but this one really worked for me, and my girlfriend and I really are a great match for each other.

I know quite a few people who have met lifemates through online services, and that way you can also see if she can write and spell in an intelligent manner, using English instead of "texting", etc., before you go out, too. You can really get a feel for someone through their words...I mean, look at all the people here who first met through the community and have since become good friends. (Or not!)

Might be worth a shot. Won't cost anything, either.
I know quite a few people who have met lifemates through online services...,

My girlfriend and I met online back in 1996 in a chat room on AOL for
divorced people. Neither of us had getting into a relationship in mind,
but the more we chatted online and then on the phone we thought
getting together would be good. That was 11 yrs ago. We get along
great and have a lot of fun. One of these days we'll figure out how to be in the same place and get married. Good thing Miami is a fun place to
spend my extra time.
Guess I have been pretty lucky, but then I tend to date women after actually getting to know them a little.

You know .. that's always been my approach. Can't think of ever
going out with someone I hadn't met and got to know a little. Sure
reduces the surprises.
Damn I feel for you single dudes. For what its worth I was at a wedding Saturday night, and these beautiful women were all complaining about how hard it was to meet men. Apparently it cuts both ways.
Can I pick winners, or what?

No better than the rest of us.

But you can recognize a loser, and that is what counts. Every time you go fishing, you lose a little bait. That's the game. Just don't bring home the losers.

Damn I feel for you single dudes. For what its worth I was at a wedding Saturday night, and these beautiful women were all complaining about how hard it was to meet men. Apparently it cuts both ways.

They have tougher criteria:

Female - Is he employed? Will he be a good provider? Is he sensitive to my needs?, Will he respect me for my intellect?, Will mother like him? How does he feel about children? :yinyang:

Male - Will she go out with me? :dunno:
The thing that is really surprising to me is that chicks don't congregate around pilots. I mean, if you stop to think about it, if someone can fly and owns their own aircraft, it is likely that they have at least average if not above average intellect and an above average socioeconomic position. Moreover, it is less likely that a pilot has problems with substance abuse, gambling, or mental illness than John Q (can't get, keep, or afford a medical with any of that). Granted, the pilot can be a total head case, but is that really any more likely in a population of pilots as in the population at large?

Such phenomena have not happened to me, nor have I seen them happen to other pilots I know, even the good-looking ones. Talk about looking for love in all the wrong places.
The thing that is really surprising to me is that chicks don't congregate around pilots. I mean, if you stop to think about it, if someone can fly and owns their own aircraft, it is likely that they have at least average if not above average intellect and an above average socioeconomic position. Moreover, it is less likely that a pilot has problems with substance abuse, gambling, or mental illness than John Q (can't get, keep, or afford a medical with any of that). Granted, the pilot can be a total head case, but is that really any more likely in a population of pilots as in the population at large?

Such phenomena have not happened to me, nor have I seen them happen to other pilots I know, even the good-looking ones. Talk about looking for love in all the wrong places.

The last GF's friends were impressed that she was dating a guy who OWNED AN AIRPLANE! You don't run into that very often!

I always explain that I'm not rich because I own an airplane because I'm not rich BECAUSE I own an airplane.
The thing that is really surprising to me is that chicks don't congregate around pilots.
An ex-GF started calling small planes "puke buckets." Doubtlessly got it from her dad, who was an airline pilot. Didn't take long for her to become an ex.