Can Hydrocodone cause nightmares?

I won't be taking any more of them, but wow, the vivid dreams and nightmares sure make a person feel tired the next day. Has anyone else had this problem with Hydrocodone?

I’ve been taking low doses of Norfolk for many years for foot nerve pain only at nite. While awake after taking it, my mood changes to be more calm and friendly, engaging with friends via text in the evening before bed.

Once I hit the sack and fall asleep, the nitemares come. Many times I find myself in a predicament that I can’t get out of and as a result my life will go into ruin. Other dreams have to do with conflict with others. Funny thing is that the people involved in these conflicts are friends who would never behave badly with me.

When wake up I have to remind myself that the awful dreams weren’t real and have nothing to do with how I feel toward those in the dream. Using this practice of reviewing the dream for any clues that relate to reality and fund their don’t have relevance to my life, I tell myself that it’s only a side effect and the Norco along with these negative dreams is more acceptable than without. (I’ve run thru a whole gambit of meds for the pain and tho the others don’t have the addiction Profile of norco, they don’t treat the pain adequately.)

Im very aware of the dangers of abuse with the drug. and after several talks with my doctors, I’ve learned how to use the med in such a way to limit dose increase and abuse.

I just wish there would be a way to get rid of the nasty dreams and still utilize the med for pain relief.

I’d love to hear others stories as related to norco-induced dreams..
I took some Hydro/acetaminophen cocktail crap for three days for post-surgical pain, then had to go through hell for three more days after stopping.

Never again. I'll gladly accept the pain before taking that poison again!

I don't remember the dreams or hallucinations, but they were nowhere near as bad as when I did ten days of triple overdoses of Prednisone. That was psychedelic!

Nope. not going to accept pain meds again unless I'm in hospice!
Had some gum surgery awhile ago glue he tried to use seal off the roof of my mouth where took graft from fell off after one day worst pain ever felt Narco's hardly dulled the pain took it for 7 days 2 times a day didn't have any side effects like dreams.

Once a doctor put me on a statin because he thought 170 Cholesteral was too high I had wild dreams someone was running though my bedroom. I went to a cardiologist he checked me over said I didn't need to take it just use diet.

My wife had foot surgery she was in real pain foot swelled up like a balloon until we iced it and propped the foot higher then her head kept the swelling down they gave her demerol pills the pharmacist was surprised she had that script she had to call the doctors office to verify they gave it to her.
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