I'm not exactly sure how to write to a forum.. i guess but i have a question that i hope someone out there might be able to help me with. Well a couple questions I guess. Considering my having cancer, making some irresponsible decisions in college, and my past prescription for xanax.. with all that aside, IS THERE ANY POSSIBILITY OF ME RECEIVING MY PILOTS LICENSE?
A couple months after my 21st birthday I was diagnosed with stage 3 hodgkin lymphoma. I received ABVD chemotherapy over a span of approx 7 months. I had a 5 hr chemo infusion every other monday. Part of what kept me going in those times was a gift my mother gave me... the gift of flight. She paid for me to pursue my dream. I took flying lessons in houston when i was on my off week of chemo and I never felt as happy as I did when I was in the air. Flying is in my blood, and i knew from the second i stepped into a cockpit and taxied over to the runway that this was for me. Sorry for the story, but i'm trying to find SOMEONE who knows SOMETHING about this situation.
1.) I was diagnosed with stage 3 hodgkin lymphoma in 2010 at 21 years old and have been in remission for approx 4 years
2.) I Received 3 tickets (one of which was dropped) for public intoxication between 2008 and 2011 in Austin Tx. Public Intoxication is considered a class C misdemeanor, so they're technically the lowest on the crime severity ladder, but ARE alcohol related non the less
3.) I was given xanax (alprazolam) from oncologist for SITUATIONAL anxiety for scans, tests etc.
Is there anyone out there who might be able to shed some light on this for me? I've logged 32 hours and feel more than capable in a cockpit. I realize that some of these health issues etc from my past will put a ceiling on my flying as far as pursuing a career in the industry goes, but is there any hope for me to complete my training as just a basic private pilot? If theres anyone out there that can point me in the direction of a good lawyer and/or Med Examiner, I'd really appreciate it. Again, any advice helps.
A couple months after my 21st birthday I was diagnosed with stage 3 hodgkin lymphoma. I received ABVD chemotherapy over a span of approx 7 months. I had a 5 hr chemo infusion every other monday. Part of what kept me going in those times was a gift my mother gave me... the gift of flight. She paid for me to pursue my dream. I took flying lessons in houston when i was on my off week of chemo and I never felt as happy as I did when I was in the air. Flying is in my blood, and i knew from the second i stepped into a cockpit and taxied over to the runway that this was for me. Sorry for the story, but i'm trying to find SOMEONE who knows SOMETHING about this situation.
1.) I was diagnosed with stage 3 hodgkin lymphoma in 2010 at 21 years old and have been in remission for approx 4 years
2.) I Received 3 tickets (one of which was dropped) for public intoxication between 2008 and 2011 in Austin Tx. Public Intoxication is considered a class C misdemeanor, so they're technically the lowest on the crime severity ladder, but ARE alcohol related non the less
3.) I was given xanax (alprazolam) from oncologist for SITUATIONAL anxiety for scans, tests etc.
Is there anyone out there who might be able to shed some light on this for me? I've logged 32 hours and feel more than capable in a cockpit. I realize that some of these health issues etc from my past will put a ceiling on my flying as far as pursuing a career in the industry goes, but is there any hope for me to complete my training as just a basic private pilot? If theres anyone out there that can point me in the direction of a good lawyer and/or Med Examiner, I'd really appreciate it. Again, any advice helps.