Camp Scholler 2014


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
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Grant Prellwitz
Once again we'll be camping in Scholler, and we'll be up close, as we're getting the spots 7/16. Again this year we'll be with the Camp Bacon contingent. PM me if you're interested in joining us, and we'll see what we can do!

Also, we are planning to do our annual dinner on Tuesday night at the campsite. We generally do jambalaya and a vegetarian chili. Unfortunately, Leslie's Mom can't join us this year, so the sous chefs will be yours truly and Steingar.
We decided our rig is way overkill for Bacon. We'll be wherever we can fit the beast, further out.
Once again we'll be camping in Scholler, and we'll be up close, as we're getting the spots 7/16. Again this year we'll be with the Camp Bacon contingent. PM me if you're interested in joining us, and we'll see what we can do!

Also, we are planning to do our annual dinner on Tuesday night at the campsite. We generally do jambalaya and a vegetarian chili. Unfortunately, Leslie's Mom can't join us this year, so the sous chefs will be yours truly and Steingar.
We shall be there, God willin' and the crik don't rise!
Why? Larry's rig will be lonely now! :D

P.S. We're still thinking about it.

The problem really is timing... It looks like we might have to make a Sunday arrival and with as close in as they get, maneuvering 40' of truck and trailer into that typical area they're in, might be hours worth of work. ;) Throw in wet weather and it's be an unwanted adventure for the history books, even with 4x4. (6x6)

Plus with the truck being a long bed dually, we're thinking to be "fair" we'd really need to purchase two campsites so we can keep the truck out of the road. We'd of course "donate" any extra space to the overall Bacon contingent and I don't have any problem with that... but two sites is a little spendy doing them early.

I'm still tempted to do it anyway. I can afford it. It's not the money. But my rational side says I can spend that $500 elsewhere on the grounds and enjoy it more. Or just help someone with their cookout expenses, or whatever. Maybe just buy a crapload of beer and sodas to share. I'd rather give back in some fashion.

If we can swing a Saturday arrival, that'd be better. Friday would be perfect. But right now it's not looking like that'll work. We will be there all week, though, come hell or high water.

And while I *know* without a doubt that Larry is the mastermind he is AND if I were to ask if he could figure out a way to make it possible to maneuver 40' of crap into Bacon on Sunday, he would do it... I don't ever impose like that. He's busy enough as it is.

Crazy wonderful Larry. I swear on my life he's honestly one of the nicest people I've ever met.

Another funnier thought... I usually lose about five pounds just walking at OSH. Getting in closer could totally ruin that. Ha. ;)

So we'll probably just arrive when we arrive and head south until we find two spots worth of campsite and set up our own little compound. One of the other Denver folks + kid have already called dibs on the "living room" of the 5th wheel, but if someone is looking for a place to pop up a tent later I the week, we'll probably have some extra room on the truck side of the trailer.

And margaritas. And beer. And sodas. And generator / power strips. And an air conditioner that probably won't amount to much but will give the impression of coolness whenever we decide to crank up the generator. Ha.

The RGB LED light strip from China/eBay just showed up, too... So if I get time to install it under the awning, we'll even have disco lights. :)

And even a fat sweaty guy. Just for EdFred. ;)
Nate, I'll keep it short, as I'm on an iPad. Leslie and I already bought 2 spaces for our single (large) tent so we'd have room for friends. If people need additional space, just pay for a parking space in the lot so we can move a car out of there. Otherwise, the cars are available for use!

We throw out a kitty for contributions. To be honest, I have no idea if we come out ahead, take a bath, or have a wash at the end, after what we put out for the space and the party. I know we've never felt we've made out like bandits, and we've never felt abused. We have, however, felt very tired! LOL

We have some of the best spaces in the entire Camp Scholler thanks to Larry (and the year before, other friends of friends!). Our friends are welcome to join us.

And I double what you say about Larry!
I'll be flying into AirVenture the 27th after a 5 day trip from Fairbanks Alaska... Camping all through Canada, sipping on filtered water and Mountain house meals.... we'll be ready to park the plane and pitch the tent!
And I double what you say about Larry!

Had a phone conversation with Larry today that included satellite photography of Camp Bacon. Ha. No one can claim we aren't mega nerds!

My fears about getting the trailer in were totally unfounded. Larry must be a master Tetris player. He had it all figured out.

So Bacon it is!

I'm getting two spots tonight for the duration so we'll help with "the compound" size, and have space to park the truck.

It'll cost some money but screw it, it's my one big awesome vacation a year with awesome friends and people ... and I can. I'll save being frugal on my Oshkosh vacation for when I'm dead. Ha.

Karen never got the camping experience since she couldn't make it the year my airplane co-owner and I did North 40 and I think she's as excited to meet folks as I am to see them all again!

Doug Hindman from our (well-dead) podcast is also doing Bacon, so even though he works about a freakin' two miles from my new office, since we neither have time to see each other in person, we're happy he'll be there too, and of course I really want to catch up with Martt and Larry and Larry's family, and anyone else in sight.

Don't know who else is going to be there yet, but we'll see y'all there. Leave a note on the ridiculous 5th wheel if we miss ya and let us know how to reach you. I can't sit still at OSH for long until about Wed or Thurs. Ha.

We're also figuring out what goodies we can bring to share. So far we're thinking plenty of food and adult beverages. I also joked with Karen that by halfway through the week most folks are wondering if they remember what vegetables or fruit look like, considering there isn't a single vendor serving them, so those are on the "stock the RV fridge" list.

If all goes well we'll be there Sunday to Sunday.

Doug joked today on the phone that maybe with my history of breakdowns in Nebraska that perhaps I should plan my Colorado exit strategy via Kansas instead. LOL!

Can't wait! I want to be there, now!

See ya at OSH 2014!