Nate: I was a long time Nikon F3 devotee with multiple Nikkor lenses and other Nikon gear. Then a guy came into my camera store, he having been here as a lead man to do whatever it was "they" occasionally had to do to nuclear plants(Maine Yankee). After the 3 year job was done he could only take so much with him and I bought from him the Minolta 9xi, a considerable group of upscale lenses and other goods "very right"(couldn't afford to pass up the opportunity). I waited, waited, and waited some more for something compatible to happen, digitally, that could use my "35mm" lenses. When Sony introduced the A100 it was a no-brainer for me with 9 lenses, some of which were exotic stuff. So I bought it. Then I waited again, knowing that eventually Sony would introduce an upgrade(full-frame) DSLR. I know that I own the first A900 body that Sony delivered to the State of Maine. I received it 12 days before Sony even released the model for national distribution(but that's another story).
During 27 years in the business I sold a lot of Nikon and Canon and wouldn't have hesitated to go digitally with either. But for full compatibility re my older lenses, as opposed to selling all mine and repurchasing Nikkor and EF(Canon) optics to replace them, I'd have lost a lot of $$$ in conversion.