Calling All Excel Experts

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Display name:
Greg Bockelman
I need help with a formula. If it is even possible. The sheet is going to consist of X's and O's. I need the background color of the X cells to be red and the O cells to be blue. My knowledge of Excel is very rudimentary and I have no idea how to write the formula for that if it is even possible.

Anyone able to help? Is it even possible?
look for the conditional statements. They make it into a button. There look for the conditional that creates outcomes based on "values equal to". Make one conditional to be filled blue for "O" and then highlight the column again, make another conditional, this time fill red for "X"


You're welcome.
Also would have suggested conditional formatting, much easier on Excel 2007 and newer versions than it used to be. Filtering by cell color is another oddly-useful feature.

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Waiting for some smarty pants to paste the VBA code...

Sub sbRangeFillColorExample1()
'Using Cell Object
Cells(3, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 5 ' 5 indicates Blue Color
End Sub