Call signs

The standard allows setting completely arbitrary names in one of the fields from your transponder. The transponder still sends the hex ID but most (dumb) systems don’t display both.

Intended for things like Medevac and such operating under temporary callsigns. A number of our members here know how to do it for care type volunteer flights.

I may or may not know one of the pilots who flew halfway across the US in a FedEx aircraft broadcasting a naughty word. Ha.

Inside story is previous crew had a disgruntled employee who decided it would be “fun” to dig a few menus down in the FMS and set it to said naughty word as a present for the next crew, knowing he wasn’t long for the company.

And knowing nobody bothers to dig down in there and check for such things.

And then the usual FlightAware / FAA API silliness ensues.

Oh goodie. Phone blowing up when you land with texts from everyone you know and the chief pilot’s office. Yay technology. LOL