Don't much use recipes, but here's the general outline of my favorite way to cook my favorite food:
Heat just a bit of oil in your biggest soup pot. Add in a couple onions diced, a few sticks of celery, similarly diced, and a few cloves of crushed garlic. Sweat over low heat 5 or 10 minutes, until the onions get soft. Turn up the heat a bit and add some sliced or diced vegetables, some mushrooms, zucchini or whatever else you fancy. Add in some diced potatoes that you've parboiled (I do mine in the microwave) and some diced tomatoes. Saute until everything is nicely done, and deglaze with some cheap tequila, about a half cup, or to taste.
In another pot steam a big bunch of washed and chopped greens, kale, bok choy, spinach or whatever you want. Wilt them well, then add them and their water to the big pot of beans. Oh yeah, beans. Go back in time and the night before put up a pound of black beans (you can use any kind you like actually) in enough water to cover by about an inch. Next morning pour off the water and add half strength soup stock. Boil one hour or until done, and add to your vegetable mixture. Thicken with tomato paste, season with basil, cumin, oregano, and enough chili spice to make it as spicy as you care for. I always add some hot peppers to the sauté, but no one likes things as spicy as I do.
You can continue to season with vinegar (I like malt vinegar best) lemon juice, soy sauce (used in moderation, stuff is strong and salty). You can add in the bean cook water for broth, it should be yummy. You want enough broth to cover the brown rice you're going to serve this with. I sweeten with fruit juice (apple joyce comes in little plastic bottles and is perfect) or molasses, I bake with sugar but use it for nothing else. If my stew needs salt I use a substance called miso, available at most Oriental markets it is fermented bean curd that's strong and salty and gives great flavor. Don't use much though.
If you want a chewier texture take one cup TVP (textured vegetable protein, also available everywhere) and boil in one cup soup broth. Add into your beans, which should wind up in a nice thick spicy broth. You can skip the rice and make some biscuits to go with your bean, I make mine with whole wheat and ancient grains. Yummy.