C182RG vs Cherokee 6/300 for big guy

And you have sufficient history and maintenance cycles to provide credible information, as opposed to the SWAG's and puff from others.

I have always maintained that the overall operating costs of my plane will average to $240-$260hr. My fuel costs at $6gal are $130hr, TBO holdback is $28hr, insurance is $17hr across 100hrs, figure $20hrs in oil and accessories and $25hr towards the annual inspection, that's $220hr. Figure another few grand in other stuff and it's done. 20 years at this and it's not that tough to figure out.

The greatest determinant on the cost of operations for a similar single or twin is the condition you purchase it in.

What the twin opens you up to is extra jackpot expenses of cylinders and these costs can be managed operationally as can many other maintenance expenses. Most thing get fixed because the nut behind the yoke broke them, not because they just decided to fail.
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