C172 "belly landing" at KSDL


Aug 26, 2017
Phoenix, AZ and Ensenada, Mexico
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So - it's a C172, not RG, and I'm going to go out on a limb, and guess that the whole LHS wheel separated from the landing gear.


SCOTTSDALE, AZ (3TV/CBS 5)-- Scottsdale Airport has reopened after an airplane made a belly landing and veered off a runway.

According to Scottsdale Airport, the incident occurred at around 1:15 p.m.

That's when a Cessna 172 had reported gear problems and made a belly landing.

The plane then veered off the runway upon landing.

Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Allen Kenitzer says the pilot was the only person aboard and wasn't injured.
Bahahaha! Gotta love the news.

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From LiveATC, Scottsdale Tower, 1930Z recording, at about the 25:30 mark.

Student Solo, figured he hit something after a touch & go, and the left gear was now "missing".


What a way to kick off your flying.
Looks like minimal damage,for a missing wheel. Glad the pilots OK.
Yea seriously. He’s fine. A little shaken up.

Great to hear he is okay.
But you really should take him aside and let him know it's not a great idea to be doing ab initio pilot training in a retractable. ;)
That model has the tubular main gear legs. There are NAS bolts and nuts that retain the legs in the inboard leg mounting castings, and keep them from rotating. That bolt can become worn, especially from braking forces that pull back on the leg and try to rotate it, and the bolt can shear. Cessna recommends a periodic inspection of those bolts and the gear legs.
I'm impressed. That's a great landing for a student pilot. Can he log that as retract time?
This was my older brother. It was his first solo.

Yea seriously. He’s fine. A little shaken up.

Congratulations to your brother on his first emergency well handled!
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
Glad he had this problem so early in his training. It can only make him a better pilot.