Partnership is a great alternative.
I hope I don't want to side track the OP to much, but the OP should really consider this. Even getting one partner, your initial investment, hanger fees,annuals, another other fixed costs are cut in half. After you decide on what plane you want and/or planes you are ok with, find a partner to go 'halvsies' with.
My buddy and I are looking for a third partner to go in on a Mooney. Our thinking is, with 3 people going into it, there's still plenty of availability but the cost of ownership is greatly reduced. I know someone in a 10-way partnership and he said the plane is nearly available whenever he wants it.
We've come up with a rotating schedule for priority of who can take the bird out. If you numbered every week of the calendar 1-52.. It would go something like this:
week 1: Bill Primary, Mary Secondary, Mark last priority.
week 2: Mary Primary, Mark Secondary, Bill last
week 3: Mark Primary, Bill Secondary, Mary last.
...Rinse and repeat...
Then, if you want to go, and you're primary, you can just take the bird if you haven't released it to anyone. A private twitter feed or mail list is perfect for this - just check if someone took it out.
We didn't think a first come first serve is best because if Mary works 4x10 and gets Fridays off, she can pretty much have the weekends as she would usually be first to the plane.
We also didn't like to schedule - then you'll end up with someone scheduling every weekend for the next 12 months.