Just for the record, Sun is gone. Oracle bought them.
Oracle is closing everything slowly down to their usual pay-to-play model. They have no idea how to be open, nor is it their culture.
Forks are happening but without the significant financial support of Sun paying coders, OpenSolaris is doomed to mediocrity, IMHO.
VirtualBox was the best thing out of modern-day Sun, and Oracle will probably screw that up too...
Java is also under fire.
Oracle showed their method of operation with MySQL which also forked when they changed the licensing.
But we'll all get to continue to watch Sean Tucker's antics. Cash money to Oracle is what they do. Always have.
Sun's "Gold" support network was slowly outsourced to companies who hired a lot of non-Unix folks who had to be carefully managed, lest they walk in, rip out your dead drive before you could take it out of the array, and run.
And a friend who's a left-over from StorageTek and waaaay up the Sun Storage foodchain warned me that he's worked numerous "Your data is just... Gone..." tickets since ZFS was released.
Huge escalated tickets when running ZFS which the Sun Engineers couldn't recover ANY data in giant systems. In fact, he's younger than 40 and worked himself into what his Doc described as a stress-induced stroke. There weren't any "community" folks fixing the real problems deep in ZFS, that's for sure.
Sun is dead. Long live Sun.