British Terrorism Plot foiled (Airlines again)

Armageddon Aviator said:
This is what I suggest to ensure safe flights from now on:


5. Passengers will not be permitted to carry any personal item except their passports and tickets.

I think that everybody should encourage the TSA to adopt those logical measures in order to ensure our safety.

One more good thing about those steps is that they DO NOT involve any profiling and and are 100% politically correct.

Perhaps you don't find this funny but the Islamonazis are laughing...

The problem Alon, is #5 is an actual rule in the U.K, and you forget that when sensible U.S. citizens decide they will not fly on airlines, the airlines will use what cash they have left to buy laws in congress to make flying on an airliner MANDATORY.

1) Any travel over 75 miles must be by commercial airline.
2) Air travel not on a commercial airliner is illegal except for law enforcement, emergency relief, and fire fighting.
3) The International By Air Revitilization Fund (IBARF) act will require every U.S. Citizen over the age of 17 to buy at least one coast to coast airline ticket each year - the funds for which are added to the citizen's U.S. income tax liability and withholding.
4) As you know when the airlines were embarrassed by the TV expose's showing the empty jets because too many citizens were not using thier IBARF tickets, the IBARFED admendment was added to make actually flying on an airliner mandatory for each citizen. The Department of Airline Truancy Security and Uniformity in X-ray technology was set up to hire the truant officers to arrest noncompliant citizens and put them on jets.
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That's a hoot. Thanks.

mikea said:
The problem Alon, is #5 is an actual rule in the U.K, and you forget that when sensible U.S. citizens decide they will not fly on airlines, the airlines will use what cash they have left to buy laws in congress to make flying on an airliner MANDATORY.

1) Any travel over 75 miles must be by commercial airline.
2) Air travel not on a commercial airliner is illegal except for law enforcement, emgenrgency relief, and fire fighting.
3) The International By Air Revitilization Fund (IBARF) act will require every U.S. Citizen over the age of 17 to buy at least one coast to coast airline ticket each year - the funds for which are added to the citizen's U.S. income tax liability and withholding.
4) As you know when the airlines were embarrassed by the TV expose's showing the empty jets becasue too many citizens were not using thier IBARF tickets, the IBARFED admendment was added to make actually flying on an airliner mandatory for each citizen. The Department of Airline Truancy Security and Uniformity in X-ray technology was set up to hire the truant officers to arrest noncompliant citizens and put them on jets.