Brand-new for 1946 - tell me about taildraggers, please

Thanks but this is mainly for future reference and recommendations to friends. I am pretty locked into my Arrow right now.

No problem! Airplanes seem to be always moving around up here

There's a funk for sale at I73 asking 13.5k 85hp continental, I can put you in contact with him of you'd like


This one? On second thought, I misread the location.

Yah, I read the ad too fast and saw Cleveland. Brakes, not location. Duh.

Lol, the one down here still has Shinn Brakes. I think he has an ad up, but no pictures

Funks gross weight is too high to be sport pilot eligible. Were you at Moraine? Stop by hangar 44 and say hi!


The EAA chapter at I19 was meeting there to look at a member's RV-7A that's almost complete.

One of the other guys also flew in his recently completed and painted RV-7.
