And those go-arounds sound like "exterior" go-arounds, ones that were caused by something that you had no control over.
Those weren't the "garbage" approaches like mentioned by the one CFI, up above.
Doing a go-around because a herd of deer jumps on to the runway is much different than doing a go-around because somebody can't manage airspeed and altitude on base leg.
I guess, however if for some reason I wasn't on my A game and just wasn't feelin' my approach, Id have zero hesitation doing a go around, doesn't matter the reason, less stuff to hit in the sky than on the deck
And that's as me, for a fresh PPL, or even fresh CPL, saying not to do go arounds for a approach that the PIC is screwing up, or even to dissuade for ANY reason a go around, no Bueno
I saw this Indian fellow do a epic proposing approach, slammed the deck, swerved around a little, went off the edge, nose into the dirt tail into the air, thought for sure it was going to land on its back but the aviation gods took pity on the poor 172 and somehow it landed back on its gear.
I ran over to make sure he was OK, he was, q tipped the prop and busted a plastic wingtip, otherwise it looked more or less undamaged (172s man!), some of the other guys drove a truck and some line over to haul him off the runway and over to the mx hangar.
I asked if he wanted to call his school and CFI up, he looked at me all funny, I thought he was a PPL student on a X/C or something, nope, just got his CPL and was burning the last of his prepaid hours before going back to India!!
Anywho, if he would have done a gone around, got his chit together and tried again, he would have ended up flying back to his FBO, vs making some less than pleasent phone calls, paying for a super expensive cab/bus ride, and his FBO paying our mechanic to fix, and me to later fly the thing back to them.
go arounds man, if you think you should do one, probably should have actually put the coals to it 5 seconds ago.