Bose A30 Headset


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 7, 2024
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1st flight today with new Bose A30 headset.
(Was previously using a cheap passive headset, so this was a big jump)
- When ANR is set on high it is amazing how quiet it is. Maybe too quiet. I will probably go to Medium when landing so I can hear the engine & stall horn better.

- I noticed that I had to turn up my radios (KX155's) twice as high as I did when using my old headset that was plugged into Faro Stealth audio link (Bluetooth adapter). That doesn't seem right?? And yes, I had the volume on the A30 controller turned up nearly all the way.

- Get strange thump sounds in headset when taxiing with side window open (necessary on these hot Missouri days) This is probably the ANR trying to figure out how to deal with the prop air coming in my window. (It didn't seem much better when switching into all 3 modes, Low, Medium, High.)

Have others experienced similar?

I think you will find that you can hear the stall horn just fine and you'll hear anomalies with the engine even better with the ANR full on. I was flying one time with my lightspeeds and I could hear this clank. I pulled them off to see if I could hear the clanking better but I couldn't hear it at all. It was clear with the ANR on.

After landing I found my exhaust pipe had broke a weld and was dangling by the hangar.