Just advice, know who your friends are and don't be afraid to lean on them thats what got me through it in one piece. I know exactly how you feel however likely not as in depth. Hang in there! Thank you for making this thread it has helped me through some of the post-issues that accompany this.
Yes, I am leaning on my friends and family, including my family here. Pilots are good people. I was made to think I was the most rotten person by my wife. Nothing but insults, profanity, abuse, and hysteria. Constant chaos and drama punctuated by occassional good times which became less and less.
She has ALL the traits that Crash posted. All of them, and I've done a lot of research on it. She is BPD to a T.
I feel for you that you had to go through that with your gf. I NEVER want to go through this again.