books re: aerobatics


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Dec 15, 2008
Alpine, TX
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Any recommendations of books on aerobatics? It can be about people who fly acro or about how to. Obviously the "how to" is with the proviso that you don't teach yourself :nono: but use it as a reference :yesnod:.
I understand that, so don't worry that I'm going to go out there with book in lap and be stooopid. Just looking for interesting reading on subject :smile:
Thanks Joe, I have that one.. actually have been considering going to fly with him if I can budget it. I think McCall Idaho would ge a beautiful place to take lessons.
I like Bill Thomas' books. I also have Bill Kershner's book and its great. Goulian co-wrote an aerobatics book with another pilot that is also good. It has a good section on selecting aerobatic airplanes. I didn't enjoy and don't re-read it though like I do Bill Thomas' and Bill Kershner's. The IAC has a couple of videos out that are nice to watch too.
My favorites are Bill Thomas' Flying for Fun and Flying for Fun to Win and Alan Cassidy's Better Aerobatics. Another truly great book is Eric Mueller and Annette Carson, Flight Unlimited. That one is hard to find and generally gets rare book prices when it's sold but if you can get your hands on one, it's worth the effort and money.

I have the Goulian books Basic Aerobatics and Advanced Aerobatics and they're OK.

Check out the IAC and EAA online bookstores and you'll find some of these books.
You're welcome Jeanie. I've done a lot of reading but only a little flying (aerobatics). My aerobatics instructor told me he had flown with Bill Thomas and Bill was the smoothest pilot he had ever flown with. I think you would enjoy Bill Thomas' "Flying for Fun' book. It is kind of a "how to" book. Bill Kershner's book is also a "how to" only at a slightly less intensity level (Bill Kershner flew a C-150 Aerobat). Some of the maneuvers (lazy 8's, etc.) can be done in a non-aerobatic airplane. One of these days I am going to finish up what I started (a 10 hour course)! Enjoy!

Just heard from Allen Silver... my chute will be shipped at the end of this week! Yea! I'm very excited about this new direction in my flying :goofy:
Just heard from Allen Silver... my chute will be shipped at the end of this week! Yea! I'm very excited about this new direction in my flying

Great! Have fun (I'm jealous)!
Duane Cole - Roll Around a Point.

Out of print so you would have to find a used copy somewhere.
Thanks Joe, I have that one.. actually have been considering going to fly with him if I can budget it. I think McCall Idaho would ge a beautiful place to take lessons.
If you do come out to fly with Rich, let me know. I'm real close.

Just heard from Allen Silver... my chute will be shipped at the end of this week! Yea! I'm very excited about this new direction in my flying :goofy:

Whoa! Very cool. Please keep us posted!!
Duane Cole's "conquest of lines and symmetry."

I'd loan you mine but its autographed :smile:

The Kershner book was the easiest for me to understand.

Mr. Stowell is amazing. I got into an argument about spins once on uunet and forwarded him my (dumb) questions and he sent me several chapters of his book in PDF to help me understand.
Jeanie, it'd be good if you could fly with Rich.
I'd recommend all of his books and DVDs.

In addition to the excellent books already mentioned:
Flight Fantastic by Annette Carson - out of print; the history of aerobatics
Aerobatics - Principles and Practice by David Robson
Aerobatics by Neil Williams
Mr. Stowell is amazing. I got into an argument about spins once on uunet and forwarded him my (dumb) questions and he sent me several chapters of his book in PDF to help me understand.

Every pilot should read his book, Stall and Spin Awareness. It is a well-researched treatise. I can tell from reading posts on all the boards that most pilots, including some very experienced ones who should know better, don't understand the dynamics of stalls and spins. Rich's book is outstanding and he will send you an autographed copy if you call him. Very nice guy and an engineer to boot!
