At a budget of 150k on the high end, which is what he said he'd have to save up for to get an SR22, the A36 may not be doable..
139k buys a '78 A36 with 500 hrs on a IO550 and a 530W.
I thought SR22s were 4 seaters. How are you going to put 5 in there (legally)?
Sound logic.
I think if I ever get my Aerostar, since I'm relatively low time, and VFR, I'll just forgo hull and carry liability.
I figure if I crack it, I won't be around to care, and I have bookoo life insurance....
I have a 601P, I'm only VFR and liability only is $1700/year. Not very expensive.
Jesse, just bite the bullet and get a piper saratoga!