The Next Gen 737's are some of the fastest landing passenger aircraft Boeing builds. The -900 has very high Ref speeds. And keep in mind it only has one set of axles for braking unlike the multi-wheeled trucks on the wide bodies. 777 and 787 land much slower. I would not want to think of the landing speed of 737-900 no flap - it's too scary.
I did a zero trailing edge flap landing in a -700 a few years ago. We were fairly heavy, and the ref speed was 172 kts.
We used max autobrake, and the deceleration felt normal, until I looked at the AS and what I felt should be about 80kts, was about 120!
Brake cooling was a factor.....
They were smoking for about an hour after landing. I had to run interference between the FD and MX, because the FD wanted to spray them down with water based on the smoke and the temp readings they were getting with one type of thermometer. The MX Sup went about apoplectic when i told him that they wanted to spray them. They got a different type of thermometer and those readings were good enough apparently, so the FD didn't spray them.
FWIW, the NG does
real nice landings with zero flaps, but it does roll a while!!
As for the OP's question, 140ish kts on approach is not unusual at all for a 737, heck, before we got fancy with a computer for landing data, and used cards that based the speed on the weight, 140 was more or less the standard approach speed, depending on who you were flying with.
Oh, and congrats to the soon to be newly minted 737 Capts! I've got about 14k in them, and overall, other than the cramped cockpit and VNAV (might be my company's software) it's a great airplane.