Well I've done an rb and pb facebookery thread, so it's time for a blue board facebookery thread! (I'm a friend whore)
I don't know what this means.
Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1247804014No link? Fail. Do you even know how many david whites are on FB?
Homie don't play Facebook.
Yeah, and that's why I have http://www.facebook.com/gprellwitz !Good ol' facebook.com/denverpilot -- y'all do know you can sign up for a username URL, right?
I can only tolerate about 5 minutes a day of Facebook.
He seems more like the Friendster type to me.Are you still on MySpace? . Just kidding...
He seems more like the Friendster type to me.
CompuServe!Geocities. Hand coded in Notepad.
Now we're getting there. Perhaps Prodigy?
Ah, Prodigy. My first foray into online stuff. 1200 baud modem, manual dial (ATDT7146600034)
I can only tolerate about 5 minutes a day of Facebook.
My account is an alias with only a few friends. All except my kids and grandkids are on ignore. I simply don't want to know that much.
I cooked a wonderful Pot Roast last night, Jill and I enjoyed it and we have leftovers for tomorrow.
Yeah, I don't get it either.
Remember Bix?
Heck, I remember using bang notation giving my email address relative to well known servers like ucbvax! 110(?) and 300 baud modems that you place the handset into! And I know there are others here that go back further!
Never got much time on Bix, but remember it.
Had another blast from the past today... this article...
References people's Delphi accounts. Delphi... wow...
I remember reading this article in the magazine when it came out, too... and finding a "dead" hard drive at a swapfest that some guy sold me for "scrap" because the boot sector was bad...
Little did he know. PC-DOS cared about where the boot code was located on the drive, but Microware OS/9 didn't... I got a hard drive on a beer budget that day! Had to save up to buy the darn controller, though...
Wow its amazing to see how technology has changed. Wonder where we'll be in 30 years.