Well, I certainly don't want to criticize or second guess your life decisions and I think you should have, as everyone else should, every right to choose your care as you wish. I understand what a plague is and I respectfully disagree with your assessment. It seems that is a popular progressive tenet these days, that the human race is a parasite upon this planet and needs to be controlled. I think most of the issues we have today can be traced back to a basic lack of respect for human life. I don't think this is an innate behavior, but more a learned thing. And I think there are many more good people in this world than bad. I have to tell you that I'm disheartened that your plague belief has caused you to decide not to have children, what little I know of you I think you would be a good dad (less the fatalistic stuff).
I have a friend who felt the same way about Chol. meds, and did not treat high numbers, everything else was good. Last year, at 50, he had pains and took two days before he went in, doctor told him he was less than 24 hours away from the big one with the widow maker artery 99% blocked. A stent, blood thinners, a beta blocker and chlor. meds and he is back to normal, now a believer in statins.
I'm not afraid of death, but I have to tell you I am afraid of a heart attack or a stroke that isn't fatal but permanently debilitating, 15 years in a wheelchair with a drool cup when a little pill once a day may have helped, I'll take the pill. My feeling is that 9 times out of 10 these drugs are a quality of life proposal.
Anyway, we are on the same page in some things, I agree with the star trek idea, I think our space program has been seriously sidetracked. I also have a huge problem with the 10's or 100's of billions that is being spent on unworkable solutions to alternate energy, but that is fodder for another day.