
Line Up and Wait
Mar 13, 2008
Display Name

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For those that use have blogs, which service do you use?

Right now my blog is hosted on Go-Daddy where my website also is, BUT (my blog) I have that advertising JUNK on it because it's hosted free, whereas my website is not.

I guess I'm too cheap to pay the $25.00 or so a year to get rid of the adverts but there you go...

Are there any advert-free sites that I can use for my blog. I'd like to keep the same URL for my blog if possible.

A few of us use Blogspot, which is a subset of google somehow. Don't think you can keep your same address, but it does stay clean of popups and other advertising. :thumbsup:

You can use a custom domain name for a blogger blog by using an alias at your GoDaddy account.

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Open the Domains tab and select My Domain Names. You'll be directed to the Domain Manager page.
  3. Click the domain that you'd like to use with your blog.
  4. Click the Total DNS Control And MX Records link at the bottom of the section entitled Total DNS.
  5. Click Add New CNAME Record in the box labelled CNAMES (aliases). If you've already created a CNAME record for your blog's address, click the pencil icon next to the existing CNAME record.
  6. For the Name, enter only the subdomain of the address you want to use for your blog. For example, if you picked as your address, enter www here.
  7. Enter as the Host Name. Specify a TTL or use the default setting of 1 hour.
  8. Click OK, and then click OK again.

Unlike other Google services, this one is ad free unless you choose to allow advertising and get paid a few cents for it.
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I use WordPress. They can transfer your existing domain name (if you have a separate one for your blog) and, for a fee, you can go ad-free.