Blind person driving a car

Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 7, 2008
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Light and Sporty Guy
OK, just to be clear - the video is shameless marketing - don't say I didn't warn you.

But, I found it interesting - something most of us probably take for granted can be a big deal for someone who didn't think they would ever be able to drive again. 01: A POSSIBLE IMPOSSIBILITY

(driving on a test track with a "professional" driver in the right seat - 4 parts including the trailer)
Thanks, that was good, real good.:thumbsup:
Thank you SO much for that - that was beautiful. I reposted it on the purple board and gave you credit for your post here.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

"downriver from Detroit" - you aren't in Wyandotte, are ya? :eek:
This is no big deal... I see blind drivers on the road every day. At least I think they're blind... :D

Seriously, though, that was awesome. Sure, they're looking to sell cars by tugging heartstrings, but they really did something nice for this guy, and for the blind in general (his comment about "diversity rather than ability" made an excellent point, for example).
I like how the first thing he did after startup was to redline that sucker... I know I would. :D
Totally cool. It brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. And now I'm peeved at not getting the call saying I won the Young Eagles Mustang at Oshkosh! :)