As Tom says, dragging a Cessna's tail can ruin that bulkhead. I have also seen stabilizer spar damage; those heavy lead balance weights on the elevator tips just keep going downward when the tail hits and the stab gets flexed downward pretty aggressively, and the aft spar can get kinked or bent and the forward spar cracks around the central lightening hole. The rudder hinges also get flexed and cracked by the rudder's lead weight at its top, and I have replaced several of those. The trike is not a taildragger and has no shock absorption at the tail.
Those skids you see on some airplanes aren't legal. They're not in the IPCs, they're not STC'd or PMA'd or anything. They can get bent upward and foul the rudder. I do wish Cessna had included a proper skid, especially for the 150/152/172 series, airplanes often used for training.