Black Jelly Bean Rant [N/A obviously]

Out of all the Jelly bean flavors, the black ones are my favorite....Even as a kid growing up black licorice was a favorite of mine. Received a lot of backlash from friends for it too lol Some people just don't have a refined palate ;) Don't even get me started on the buttered popcorn ones though..*gag*
For all you licorice fans... ever try your hand with Salmiakki Koskenkorva (Finnish Black Licorice Vodka)?


I had Finnish roommates at university and this became a right of passage for their friends. It was rough (not a fan of licorice)
For all you licorice fans... ever try your hand with Salmiakki Koskenkorva (Finnish Black Licorice Vodka)?

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I had Finnish roommates at university and this became a right of passage for their friends. It was rough (not a fan of licorice)
Fake news. According to one of my employees, Finland doesn't even exist. :cool:
So, like liquified black jelly beans plus vodka. Hmmmm..... That sounds.... what's the word... dangerous?
Dangerous? I don’t .... remember ;)
For all you licorice fans... ever try your hand with Salmiakki Koskenkorva (Finnish Black Licorice Vodka)?

That sounds both delicious and scary at the same time. If it's a rough vodka it would really ruin the flavor in my opinion. Then again, I've been wary with vodka for awhile. My first experience with it was Smirnoff (Broke and didn't know any better) and that was...not a good time lol However I know there's good ones out there. For example Grey Goose tends to be ok.
That sounds both delicious and scary at the same time. If it's a rough vodka it would really ruin the flavor in my opinion. Then again, I've been wary with vodka for awhile. My first experience with it was Smirnoff (Broke and didn't know any better) and that was...not a good time lol However I know there's good ones out there. For example Grey Goose tends to be ok.
You have Ketel One on one end of the spectrum... the Chuck Norris of vodkas. Grey Goose is on the other end, so smooth and lacking in character it may as well be water. A good drink for willowy blonde supermodels. Smirnoff is somewhere in the middle. Except for one, I think he's in Branson now.