Vance Breese
Cleared for Takeoff
I took my gyroplane instructor practical test 8/31 and after eleven and a half hours of oral (over two days) left out one of the endorsements (61.107) required to go from no experience to private pilot and was failed. I thought it was covered by (61.103).
I am going by my notes so please understand I may be incorrect about the reason for the failure.
My pink slip lists “task L The applicant did not exhibit knowledge of logbook endorsements (first failure).”
I plan to retest as soon as practical.
Is there a textbook that lists endorsements required to go from a status to a rating?
I have the NAFI Guide to FAA Endorsements and feel that is close.
I have advisory circular 61-65E and I find it confusing.
I have the 2016 FAR/AIM and the answers are a bit scattered for me.
I plan to make up lists if I can’t find a book.
I would like to be able to answer questions like; does an ATP applying for an add-on gyroplane rating need to have a solo sign off even though he is not a student pilot? I answered this one correctly but it was a guess.
I am going by my notes so please understand I may be incorrect about the reason for the failure.
My pink slip lists “task L The applicant did not exhibit knowledge of logbook endorsements (first failure).”
I plan to retest as soon as practical.
Is there a textbook that lists endorsements required to go from a status to a rating?
I have the NAFI Guide to FAA Endorsements and feel that is close.
I have advisory circular 61-65E and I find it confusing.
I have the 2016 FAR/AIM and the answers are a bit scattered for me.
I plan to make up lists if I can’t find a book.
I would like to be able to answer questions like; does an ATP applying for an add-on gyroplane rating need to have a solo sign off even though he is not a student pilot? I answered this one correctly but it was a guess.