Would like to learn about aviation engines and mechanics such as on the Cessna 150 172, not wanting to be an A&P. What book would someone recommend to read to learn how the aircraft functions mechanically.
Sacramento Sky Ranch Engine Manual. The best all-around aircraft engine book I’ve found. Anyone interested in airplane engines needs it.
This manual offers acceptable ways to make certain repairs and modifications. It does not describe or explain the operation of the various systems, including engines and instruments.Like suggested above the Advisory Circular 43.13-1B is the best of all references for all aviation maintenance.
If you own a Cessna 100 series aircraft the manual called:
"Cessna 100 Series Service Manual 1963-1968" will have all the important information for keeping your Cessna 150 thru 185 in good working order.
Im not sure why the Sky Ranch books never get mentioned but they’re a far better reference source than anything else.
You may be right, pilots may not understand a maintenance manual. But, The price is right for this 2007 revised .pdf copyNo, it won't have all the information you need. All Cessna's manuals are periodically revised to include new information as the fleet ages and problems start showing up. The online manuals are often originals and very much out of date, though they are handy for study.
And example is the corrosion pitting problem on the leaf-spring gear legs found on all Cessna singles up until the late '60s and early '70s, on the 180/185 until they went out of production in the 1980s, and are still used on the 206. Pitting on that leg, especially on its underside, penetrates the shot-peened and hardened surface that give the leg its strength, and they can break suddenly and wreck the airplane. Cessna updated the manuals regarding that 12 or 15 years ago.
If one is serious about knowing a lot, the proper textbooks are the way to start. If one wants a good overview, that Aircraft Systems book I mentioned is the way to go. A stack of A&P textbooks can easily discourage the casual reader.
Those books, as far as I know, are limited to engines and operation and maintenance. The OP said this:Sac SkyRanch books….
Would like to learn about aviation engines and mechanics such as on the Cessna 150 172, not wanting to be an A&P. What book would someone recommend to read to learn how the aircraft functions mechanically.