Best route thru Old Mexico?


Aug 23, 2018
Bryan, Texas
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I’d like to fly to Argentina without losing my head or my airplane. Cessna 170B
where are you flying from? I'll avoid government operated airports and go with privatized ones ($5-$10 USD landing fees)
How about go the other way, to AK when it opens up. Yes, Summertime too.
I hope to do this one day. Of all the countries along the route, why specifically concerned about Mexico? Do you have everything else worked out?
I have flown to Panama several times. I would suggest Vera Cruz and then onto Tapachulla. I have no idea your airplanes range or how far you want to go in a day. Lots of paperwork, including EAPIS for both US ands Mexico. Join Baja Pilots for up to date information and samples of how to complete necessary paperwork. I have had any large problems in many trips to Mexico and Central America. To stay out of trouble I suggest you comply with all the paperwork requirements of each country. You had better check to see if you can get insurance in South America, years ago I tried and could not. Good Luck.
I’d like to fly to Argentina without losing my head or my airplane. Cessna 170B

I wouldn't be afraid to land anywhere in Mexico, I used to fly to Guadalajara for work and always flew from Del Rio TX to Torreon then on to Guadalajara. Familiarize yourself with filing an EAPIS and plan on arranging a handler ahead of time, it will save a lot of headaches until you get used to their system, well worth the money.
I flew to Argentina in 2018:

The easiest way, if you have the range, is via the Caribbean. The only countries that required prior permission were Brazil (done via their web site), and Cuba, which was an optional stop. Mexico isn't bad, but if you go through Central America, a bunch of those little countries have prior permission requirements. And once you get to South America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, I've heard these aren't very GA friendly. And then you have to cross the Andes somewhere.

You could go to Mexico, and from Cancún to Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, etc. Your range will dictate your route.

Here are some videos my copilot made of our first few legs of the trip from Texas to Cancun to Cuba to Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico:

I hope to do this one day. Of all the countries along the route, why specifically concerned about Mexico? Do you have everything else worked out?
Cartels mainly. I was thinking just follow the coast line until I reach the end.
I remember when I did my motorcycle trip to Mexico. 6 weeks, from Baja to Chiapas. Everyone thought I was going to die. Everyone thought that years later they'd find some jungle tribe of aboriginals wearing pieces of my motorcycle in their noses.

They were of course had bought into the xenophobic BS promulgated by our media to keep us afraid and buying the products they advertise. I had the best time ever. The people who were supposed to be so violently angry at Americans were curious and friendly.

My only proviso is pilots are perceived (sadly, but mostly correctly. Most of the people in those lands are desperately poor) to be rich, and local governments might try to squeeze an airplane pilot for cash. I would take a bike down there in a heartbeat. Most people perceive bikers as poor, ill mannered, and dirty. But were I taking an airplane I'd want a lot of info about what to do about all the local governments.

To be honest, my bigger fear would be what to do about all the hostile terrain. Big deserts, big jungles, and the Andes. Also, is the 170 a VFR ship? They get plenty of weather down that way.

Do get some good pictures of Ushaia and Tierra del Fuego. This can be done, but I think needs to be done wisely. I don't think there's a trip on Earth that spans continents that can't be done without problems with authorities.