Thanks for your aircraft request! We use the FAA's Type Certificate database to create our aircraft profiles, but I wasn't able to create a full CG Profile for the Cessna 680 (Sovereign). This happens from time to time.
We use the TCDS because we prefer certified data and we try to include the base weight & balance data with each model, so should you upgrade to iFlightPlanner Premium your weight & balance calculator will be ready to go.
I've gone ahead and added the 680 without the weight & balance data so that you'll be able to add your aircraft profile and begin flight planning. You can find it in the Aircraft Wizard listed under "Cessna" by following this link:
If you have the weight & balance data and would like to send it our way we'll see to it that it gets entered for you! Let us know if you have any other questions!
Andy Matthews
4343 Concourse Dr., Suite 330
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
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