Sport Pilot
Pre-takeoff checklist
I would like to track and record my flight path for my upcoming solo. Any suggestions or recommendations for an iPhone app that you feel would do a good job?
To the maker of CloudAhoy: Your program is sweet!!!. But I just do not use it enough to warrant a yearly subscription. If it was like $99 for lifetime (limited features) I would probably use it a lot more. Not sure if others feel the same way. But I suspect a lot of people try it, the 30-day expires and give up due to yearly fees.
I don't think Chuck participates on this forum. So if you want your thoughts to be heard and considered, you will have to email him directly.... dev@cloudahoy.comTo the maker of CloudAhoy:
I don't think Chuck participates on this forum. So if you want your thoughts to be heard and considered, you will have to email him directly....
That all being said... $65/yr is cheap in the world of aviation...
Each calendar month, cut out one or two coffees from Starbucks, or one takeout lunch from the local quickfood joint, or 2 Redbulls.... And you can easily afford this.
I know your PPL is a recent event. Where Cloud Ahoy really comes into its own for a pilot like you is IFR training.
I'm thinking that model would be 1) difficult to sell to the customer base, and 2) horrendously difficult to implement and collect on.then charged per flight
I'm thinking that model would be 1) difficult to sell to the customer base, and 2) horrendously difficult to implement and collect on.
So you will have to email him directly....
That all being said... $65/yr is cheap in the world of aviation...
@Scrabo and @MickYoumans ... Did Hilton have any big announcements about WingX during last weeks event?