Been 50days still can't pass a drug test for thc

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My own DEAD father comes to mind first.
Smoking is smoking ! If you think one is more "organic" or purer than what Phillip Morris puts out you're truly stupid.

There is a difference. It looks like tobacco smoke is more harmful than cannabis smoke.

As the stuff gets legalized, we'll see more of the long term effects of cannabis smoke. I expect to see more of the immune reaction stuff than the lung cancers we see with tobacco.

If someone can't pee a clear cup 50 days after quitting, he must have been a heavy user. That's not the kind of levels you accumulate on a weekend conference trip to Denver.
Also, supposedly the average pot smoker smokes between 2 and 3 joints every week. I'm guessing someone that ends up dead from cigarettes smokes a *lot* more than that.
Well Paul McCartney, in his 70s, is still rocking, and he's burns a lot of it. As well as many other rockers. And other entertainers etc.

So who knows?
I know someone who fooled many people, even the military, unless he started in his 40s. He didn't look anything like the photo posted in this thread.
I know lots of people that smoke pot, but very few actual potheads or hippies. They'll smoke a joint at the end of a work week. It's certainly not compatible with flying airplanes, but when done in moderation I don't see it as any more harmful than alcohol. Probably even less.

I have to wonder if some of the folks on this thread have ever bothered to wander outside the towns where they grew up.
I know someone who fooled many people, even the military, unless he started in his 40s. He didn't look anything like the photo posted in this thread.

One portion of our company gets that allllllll the time.

I always joke that I don't mind all this random drug testing, it pays my bills to some percentage... the call center gets the calls... "oh no, I came back positive, why am I supposed to call you?"... "the call is to see if you have any prescription mess that would have triggered a false positive... do you?"

A great many people cry on the phone to our call center and the Docs. It doesn't help them in the slightest. 48 hours is all they've got to call, too... otherwise the results get passed along...

Anyway, I just keep the computers and the phones running for this business... but it's grown every year since I've been here. And you'd all recognize a few company names of clients... some even in aviation and aerospace. And probably be surprised at how many cases they generate, annually.
I know lots of people that smoke pot, but very few actual potheads or hippies. They'll smoke a joint at the end of a work week. It's certainly not compatible with flying airplanes, but when done in moderation I don't see it as any more harmful than alcohol. Probably even less.

I have to wonder if some of the folks on this thread have ever bothered to wander outside the towns where they grew up.
I wandered out of my town once. Everyone was happy and having a good time.

Scary stuff, man. Scary.
Back to the OP: eventually you will test clean, let us know how long it took.

Anybody know if those home tests are more or less sensitive than your standard employment scteening test?
If you don't think he's sincere, no one's forcing you to participate.[/QUOTE]
Hence I did not
Back to the OP: eventually you will test clean, let us know how long it took.

Anybody know if those home tests are more or less sensitive than your standard employment scteening test?
I'm not sure there is a standard. I have only had pee tests but there was someone here in another thread who mentioned that he was subject to hair samples.
I'm not sure there is a standard. I have only had pee tests but there was someone here in another thread who mentioned that he was subject to hair samples.

I've had both for pre-employment screening, in the non-aviation, non-driving, civilian engineering world. Wasn't worried about any of them either.
Some of the older pot-heads did seem to have a pretty good time in the 70s, but they had a lot more energy back then... and better concerts and bands to go see, cheap.

I think Micheal Caine might have had something to do with that.
Back to the OP: eventually you will test clean, let us know how long it took.

Anybody know if those home tests are more or less sensitive than your standard employment scteening test?

I'm not sure there is a standard. I have only had pee tests but there was someone here in another thread who mentioned that he was subject to hair samples.

Mari hit it. Answer depends on the type of test used. It's common for folks to (stupidly) ask for a more accurate test when they fail a less accurate one.

That also, as one can imagine, usually doesn't go too well for them... and then the crying and stuff starts anew... or so our poor Docs tell us.
I'll keep you guys posted I was never smoking and flying but thought I hit a dead end in flying and took time off now want to get back into it but want to do it the right way. - lot of people say to use synthetic urine but I don't know about that
I'll keep you guys posted I was never smoking and flying but thought I hit a dead end in flying and took time off now want to get back into it but want to do it the right way. - lot of people say to use synthetic urine but I don't know about that
Don't try to cheat. If you want to do it the right way, just give it some time...and stay off the stuff. But at your next medical you'll have to consider the questions about illegal drug use.
Living in Washington where we can literally go into a store makes it difficult to not cave in when you think you want to stop flying, but that addiction comes back to (flying :))
Living in Washington where we can literally go into a store makes it difficult to not cave in when you think you want to stop flying, but that addiction comes back to (flying :))
Well you're going to have to choose man. Do you enjoy getting high or flying?
Well you're going to have to choose man. Do you enjoy getting high or flying?


I've gone out to dinner with friends before night shift at work, I'll get a Coke and they'll order some sweet new local IPA, as much as I'd like to investigate that tasty adult beverage, it's not the time for that, choices.

But if you let a substance (booze, weed, rx pills, cigs) change the way you live your life, isn't that part of the definition of an addict? At the very least it's a sign of being weak minded.
If or when pot gets legalized at the federal level, then the FAA will have some decisions to make.
Indeed. But the problem of how to determine when a person has consumed enough to be impaired, in order to define a legal limit for DWI and DUI, is one of the main issues that derailed Vermont's legalization movement this time around. I suspect a change in federal laws will have to wait until that problem is solved.
And you are an ass hole
No he's are! Counting each day like you are is the give away. Get cleaned up, no mind altering drugs for a year and if possible , grow up! your in no condition to fly an airplane. You whine too much.
.... And it's legal in many parts of the country, the OP may well live in one of them...... .

No, it's still very much ILLEGAL in the United States. Several states have decriminalized MJ under their own respective state laws. However MJ is still a Schedule 1 drug under federal law and therefore is still illegal within the US.

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No, it's still very much ILLEGAL in the United States. Several states have decriminalized MJ under their own respective state laws. However MJ is still a Schedule 1 drug under federal law and therefore is still illegal within the US.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is no scientific reason for it to be on schedule I. It belongs on schedule II or III.
No he's are!

Actually, sometimes @denverpilot can be a bit of an ass, as can I. (Sorry man) In this case he was not.

Zero tolerance on substance use keeps us safer. Anything that sounds like staying just short of the line of illegality is an unsafe perspective and you run the risk of seeing that line behind you and not remembering when or how many times you've crossed it.
There is no scientific reason for it to be on schedule I. It belongs on schedule II or III.
I agree with you, but people should keep in mind that there are many legal drugs that are not allowed as far as flying is concerned. So even if marijuana is legalized federally (doubtful now, or at least not for a long time), it will almost certainly be on the list of FAA prohibited drugs.
Zero tolerance on substance use keeps us safer.

There is no scientific reason for it to be on schedule I. It belongs on schedule II or III.
Write your Congressman, then. Not being flippant... but the fact that you think it doesn't belong on the list means absolutely nothing to a law enforcement agency or the FAA. Disagreeing with a law won't keep you from the consequences of violating it.
No, it's still very much ILLEGAL in the United States. Several states have decriminalized MJ under their own respective state laws. However MJ is still a Schedule 1 drug under federal law and therefore is still illegal within the US.

What's it like being the only guy in Texas that is opposed to states rights?
What's it like being the only guy in Texas that is opposed to states rights?
It's not about being opposed to states' rights, it's about dealing with reality. The reality of the current situation is that it's not legal regardless of state statutes.
Give it time. I think the only reason it isn't legal already is a combination of inertia and the older generations who were told all kinds of ridiculous tales about it's harmful effects still being around. I think the legal and career consequences that are presently attached to it are pretty outrageous... much like alcohol it really seems like the consequences of it being illegal are probably worse than the drug it's self.
Write your Congressman, then. Not being flippant... but the fact that you think it doesn't belong on the list means absolutely nothing to a law enforcement agency or the FAA. Disagreeing with a law won't keep you from the consequences of violating it.

And if you ever end up on a jury for such a matter, nullify.
And you are an ass hole

Let us know when the DTs hit and you need to be hospitalized from your pot "addiction", cupcake. Seen it. Driven people to the hospital. Seizures are only interesting now, a little scary back then.

Talked to an EMT buddy who worked on a kid who was more life threatened than you, from getting into mommy and daddy's stash... of dish soap. Still haunts him. Kid survived.

I wish you well in your endeavors to try to keep your car from turning into the pot shop parking lot, cupcake. If you think that's hard, you haven't seen hard.

You want to be *pilot in command*, responsible for your life and the lives of passengers, and you're saying it's difficult to drive past a pot shop?

You can be PIC or a pothead. Your choice. If you're seriously decided, driving past the pot shop should be no problem at all. The money in your wallet is already reserved for buying Avgas. Nobody cares about you thinking it's hard. Some of us have seen hard. That ain't it.

Good on you for nutting up and deciding.
Write your Congressman, then. Not being flippant... but the fact that you think it doesn't belong on the list means absolutely nothing to a law enforcement agency or the FAA. Disagreeing with a law won't keep you from the consequences of violating it.

I made no comment on the legality or advisability of ingesting cannabis.
What schedule a drug belongs on is an issue of rulemaking at the DEA.
It should not come as a surprise to anyone that a person who has recently given up a drug still experiences temptation. It seems to me that discussing that temptation with others is one of the ways of coping with it. I don't think that judgemental responses to his mentioning it does anyone any good.
It should not come as a surprise to anyone that a person who has recently given up a drug still experiences temptation. It seems to me that discussing that temptation with others is one of the ways of coping with it. I don't think that judgemental responses to his mentioning it does anyone any good.

Neither does coddling a suburbanite with a bad habit that isn't actually addicted to anything.

I'll bet he could park his car in the parking lot of the pot shop and read a good aviation book and never walk inside. If he can't handle that, he's not ready to hold someone else's life in his hands.

That is, after all, the entire point of the Private ticket. The standard never changed. Pilot in Command.

What say you anonymous? Could you park the car in front of the pot store and read a good aviation book?

I think a little peer pressure and making him think a little harder about his responsibilities as PIC actually does do some good here. It isn't about him flying, it's about him flying *passengers*. His habit isn't compatible with his goal.

It ain't about regulations, or what "schedule" the Feds put on any drug -- it's about responsibility level.

YMMV, but generally nobody, including but *not limited to* FAA, wants him anywhere near a cockpit, if he can't make the relatively easy decision to put flying above stopping at the pot shop on the way home for Doritos, cookies, and weed.

Never seen an addict cajoled nicely into going straight. It doesn't work. Seen plenty of potheads magically go overnight from "needing" it to not touching it ever again as soon as they needed the paycheck worse than they needed the pot.

I think he's figured that out. The conversation now is more about not whining about his choice to be PIC over stopping at the pot shop, than anything.
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