Basic med and herniated disk surgery



I’m currently flying under basic-med. I need to have a herniated disk fragment removed.
I know that I do not need a special issuance for this kind of procedure, but can I continue to fly on the current basic med cert after my physician says it’s ok? I cannot recall the specific rules about this. In regards to drugs post-op…I will not be taking anything other than OTC Tylenol.
Once you have your BasicMed in hand, you are subject to (almost) the same rule as pilots who require a first, second, and third class medical, as well as those like glider and sport pilots who don't require any kind of formal medical documentation: not operating when one has a known condition that would compromise safety. FAR 61.53.
In other words:
Don't fly if you feel like hell after the surgery, or if there are any aftereffects that would prohibit safe flight.
Don't fly if you're on the kind of medication that would say "Do not operate heavy machinery" on the label, or makes you feel sleepy or woozy.
When you feel up for it and able to, fly.
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