Base to final turn Mishap with a parallel runway.


Jimmy D

This afternoon we were cleared for a visual approach landing on a parallel runway with another aircraft landing beside me but a few miles back. I Have no idea what I was thinking when this occurred as I normally will turn towards the airport at least a little when cleared for a visual approach. Regardless I Made a base to final turn way too late. Misjudged it horribly. Approach asked if we were starting our turn and if we were landing on the X runway. We acknowledged and correcting. ATC let the guys know on parallel runway we went through final (it was practically to the other runway side). There was no phone number given. We landed and parked without getting one either. I was surprised dreading that I would be given the phone number the whole time.

Here are my takeaways that I have somehow forgot today.

1. Backing up with an approach: Don't wait for the localizer or gps to start moving if you are on a base leg with a strong tailwind you may blow right through it to the other side even if you turn right as it starts moving. Always factor in your ground speed accordingly.
2. Don't rely on an autopilot to capture a steep intercept angle it may not get it.
3. Don't get distracted and always maintain visual on where you want to go if you lose visual let ATC Know right away.
4. If you are cleared for a visual you are much better off turning it in a little early then too late especially when there are parallel runways in use.

This may seem silly to most here as it did to me. I would have thought the guy that did this was an idiot before it happened to me and I call myself one today. Mistakes do happen and you just have to have a firm debrief with yourself afterwards... Any additional input on how to prevent future occurrences/critique is welcome! This one is going to bother me for a long time and always thought of during future landings. Hopefully no pilot deviation comes out of it but I will keep an eye in my mailbox :(
No call to the tower, I would not worry.

Just get one of these....

This afternoon we were cleared for a visual approach landing on a parallel runway with another aircraft landing beside me but a few miles back. I Have no idea what I was thinking when this occurred as I normally will turn towards the airport at least a little when cleared for a visual approach. Regardless I Made a base to final turn way too late. Misjudged it horribly. Approach asked if we were starting our turn and if we were landing on the X runway. We acknowledged and correcting. ATC let the guys know on parallel runway we went through final (it was practically to the other runway side). There was no phone number given. We landed and parked without getting one either. I was surprised dreading that I would be given the phone number the whole time.

Here are my takeaways that I have somehow forgot today.

1. Backing up with an approach: Don't wait for the localizer or gps to start moving if you are on a base leg with a strong tailwind you may blow right through it to the other side even if you turn right as it starts moving. Always factor in your ground speed accordingly.
2. Don't rely on an autopilot to capture a steep intercept angle it may not get it.
3. Don't get distracted and always maintain visual on where you want to go if you lose visual let ATC Know right away.
4. If you are cleared for a visual you are much better off turning it in a little early then too late especially when there are parallel runways in use.

This may seem silly to most here as it did to me. I would have thought the guy that did this was an idiot before it happened to me and I call myself one today. Mistakes do happen and you just have to have a firm debrief with yourself afterwards... Any additional input on how to prevent future occurrences/critique is welcome! This one is going to bother me for a long time and always thought of during future landings. Hopefully no pilot deviation comes out of it but I will keep an eye in my mailbox :(
I can’t think of anything to add. Just curious though, what kinda plane were you flying and if you remember, the other plane. And the airport or if you don’t want to say, the distance between them and if the thresholds are staggered
Sounds like no harm no foul, but you might want to file a NASA form anyway. The other pilot might be filing one.