Henning, I know you're a huge proponent of trim, but my airplane doesn't have sufficient trim to be hands off (or anywhere near it on final), so I'm holding constant back pressure from the tail end of the downwind, through the base, and all the way through final. I land just fine, every time, and it's "way out of trim."
So, I can't get behind the notion that a trim issue will prevent you from landing correctly. That said, you would want to be aware of the condition, I'll agree with that.
Also, someone mentioned that coming in too fast doesn't necessarily mean you will balloon, that's a great point. It's possible to come in fast, bleed speed and make a normal landing, but it will take an unusual amount of precision and awareness for a student pilot to do that. If they're making stick inputs from muscle memory alone, they're going to be in for a tough ride if they're not on speed.