Finally, keep looking at the far end of the runway. If you focus too closely in front of the aircraft, you will tend to bang it down, hard.
Again, not my experience - though I admit one can look "too close". But I think the far end of the runway is "too far", and we should - as the FAA recommends - try to find the "Goldilocks Zone" of "just right".
Take this screen shot of a recent landing video I did in my Sky Arrow*:
True confession time: For all this preaching about looking to the sides, to avoid having to look over the nose, it looks like I don't - at least in my Sky Arrow. The GoPro is mounted to my cap at about eye level, and if I were really looking left or right I would almost certainly be moving my head - not just my eyes.
But I'm blessed with exceptional visibility in my Sky Arrow. I would guess I'm focusing pretty much on the "x", though of course my eyes are moving around. Were I in a plane with a high panel, I'd be looking more at "y" or "z", depending on if I were in the left or right seat. And I might add I NEVER bang the nose down hard doing it that way. You'll note in the photo I'm touching down at about 40k IAS, not far from the 39k CAS Vso of the Sky Arrow. No nose banging apparent.
And rewatching the video just now, I noticed there's just enough of a dome in the runway that, truth be told, in the flare I could not see the far end anyway!
But whatever works. I usually only get asked for help when someone is having problems, like this thread's originator.
*full video here: