Bad Santa. Best Christmas Movie EVER!!!

+ 1.

Billy Bob was perfect for that role.
Nightmare before Christmas. Best ever Christmas movie. They even played the Boogieman's song on the acid rock station yesterday.

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There is no such thing as a good christmas movie.
A Christmas Story is classic.

However, this guy is KING!!!!

Meh. I'm going with Christmas Vacation. Just finished watching it.

Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. It is a Bruce Willis movie that happens to take place during Christmas. All other Christmas movies are entirely regurgogenic with with the exceptions of Bad Santa and Nightmare Before Christmas.
"You'll shoot your eye out kid!" - This is my favorite. :cheerswine:

Never saw bad santa. Will have to rent it.
Dear Burned Out,

That's the best laugh I've had in a long time. Thank you and happy viewing!