Back in the swing of instructing


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Oct 11, 2022
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Matthew J
I’m looking to get back into doing some freelance CFI’ing here in Dallas, mainly because my Husband has expressed interest in learning to fly and I’d love to teach him. As a graduate of ATP, I never have taught anywhere besides there, so I don’t know what the process of hiring and working for an independent flight school is like. Any tips and advice would be appreciated.

Call me. Move to Selma Alabama (it’s REALLY nice there this time of year… trust me). Problem solved. Next?
Husband and I are based in Dallas, not sure a move of that magnitude would be ideal :)
Thrust in Addison is a snazzy outfit. OR…

Get tailwheel proficient, set your own sked, stay independent. OR….

Drop some cash with Victory Aviation and teach in a little fighter trainer!!!!

You gotta have a tougher problem than this for us to solve.
How hard can it be? You have a resume, modify accordingly.
Put on a tie and walk into any flight school that appeals to you. I would say to also have your resume digitally on your phone so you can send it instantly.
You haven’t been out if the instructing game long, so should not be an issue from the practical side.

BEWARE: Many, many moons ago I tried to teach my wife to fly. It did not go well.
Instruct if you want to on the side, but imo let your husband learn from someone else.
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[QUOTE="Kritchlow, post: 3320862, member: 23842]
BEWARE: Many, many moons ago I tried to teach my wife to fly. It did not go well.
Instruct if you want to on the side, but imo let your husband learn from skeins else.[/QUOTE]

This. It’s also a cardinal rule in skiing; if your significant other wants to learn, set them up with an instructor other than yourself.