Wow coastie on swabbie hating.... what is this world coming to :D
12 years of USAF service too.

There is always good natured ribbing between services.

But the Marines are the worst at being able to accept any of it.

Once I was in the club at the Navy base. A few of us were sitting around having a few drinks and telling 'Marine' jokes. Dumb stuff, like...You know how you can tell a Marine Corp truck? It has windshield wipers on the inside because they drive like this... then I would imitate a driver going ppffffffttttt, driving noises.

Well this big jar head stands up and took offense at my humor and started picking a fight! A few words starting be passed back and forth and then right there in the middle of the club the neanderthal pulled a razor out and threatened me with it!!

I could not believe what I was seeing. In the middle of the club on a military base this member of the USMC pulled razor!!

It was a good thing he could not find a place to plug it in or things would have gotten really ugly!

These things come in threes you know...
There's a simple explanation for this one: the pilot couldn't find the lever to lower the tank treads...
I'm here all week folks.
Maybe that is why those 'navel' aviators have to have the automated take off capability with a catapult launch. They have an inability or may be lack of skills ;) to do it themselves?


My understanding of the incident is that it may actually have been a result of said automated take off capability. You see, the runway the S-3 was taking off on has a hump in the middle, and according to scuttlebutt the crew had their gear set to the carrier launch setting and when the jet hit the hump it took enough weight off to cause the automatic system to retract the gear. That may or may not be what actually happened, but it sounds plausible.
Wow coastie on swabbie hating.... what is this world coming to :D
Us swabbies always were jealous of the coasties ... we had the darn man-overboard and lifeboat drills, while the coasties just had to roll up their pant legs and wade ashore in case of emergency!

j/k ... I've seen some of the severe surf stuff and there's no amount of love nor money that could convince me to do that ... hand salute, coastie rescue man!
Us swabbies always were jealous of the coasties ... we had the darn man-overboard and lifeboat drills, while the coasties just had to roll up their pant legs and wade ashore in case of emergency!

j/k ... I've seen some of the severe surf stuff and there's no amount of love nor money that could convince me to do that ... hand salute, coastie rescue man!

When I worked for the Navy I did a job for the Coast Guard at their (then) new receiver site for the commsta on Kodiak (we're talking late 1970s here). Just about everybody E-5 and above was ex-Navy, doing the same job they had in the Navy without half the BS. They thought the Coast Guard was the greatest thing since sliced bread. A bunch of happy campers. And when the district commander came by for an inspection and we saw the difference between and Admiral's inspection in the Navy and in the Coast Guard we could see why.
Although we joked around, we regarded flyers from other services with utmost respect.

"We take care of you".