Aviation Lives at Quiet Airports


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Sep 20, 2013
Columbus, OH
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Another thread had me bummed about my home airport, no one there and hadn't met a soul in 8 months. Earlier in the summer a gentleman had caused an email to go out to all pilots on the field inviting them to his hangar. I was out of town but figured it was a bust as I heard nothing more.

Last night there was another cook out and I went. To my surprise, about 8 couples showed up! There we children running around and younger people as well. One young man took me to his hangar to show off the Excalibur he is building. Has a brand new Jabiru motor in a crate just waiting to go in.

The host is building an RV-12 he bought nearly finished and has a friend who built one already. We were all talking about how simple VANS has made the RV-12 to assemble when the hoped-for question came: would you like to see mine? Off we went to admire his finished beauty, painted in scarlet & gray for the Buckeyes of course. As he showed off his glass panel functions and knobology, he said, let's go for a quick flight. Yes! :)

I've never flown in any kind of RV anything but the two of us were climbing 1k / min at full gross. The responsiveness of the controls is amazing and the view is magnificent. That was my first ever venture into a homebuilt, and knowing that his RV-12 with autopilot will run circles around my stodgy 172 on 3 gals less per hour, have a nice autopilot with traffic, weather and engine management and be so much more FUN to fly, really makes that an attractive next/last airplane.

So, I got to add a 16th type to my list of planes I've flown, met some really nice pilots at my home field, and got to hang out with some new faces.

I had to shake my head at the goofy guy who is 1/5th owner in a C-206 that hasn't flown in 6+ months and has had thousands of dollars in exhaust and engine work done trying to chase an overheating cylinder. Who then proceeded to make fun of my friend and I for having the nerve to fly our smaller Cessna's all over the country. :mad2: Dude, I'm flying, you're sitting, STFU! :D

To top off a great night I went out and practiced a couple of short-fields for my fly in to a 1650' strip this afternoon. Great night!
That's what aviation is about,talking ,flying and checking out other aircraft.
Next, you need to get a ride in one of the non-LSA RVs and experience climbing at 2000 fpm and cruising at close to 200 mph on the same fuel burn as your 172 :yes:
Neal, I KNOW!! I have RVxA on my mind a lot. I commented on how the RV-12 had such short wings. When the pilot told me the regular RV's have even shorter wings than the -12, I was amazed. One thing I must accept is I am not mechanically inclined. With help (a lot of it) I could do the RV-12.

I would HAVE to buy a completely finished (or very nearly so) RV anything else because of my personal capabilitiy, space, and time. But I think about that 200 MPH trip home to see my aging Mom a lot.

I went out and tried a quick-roll rate to a 45* bank in my 172 after he demo'd it in his and I was...underwhelmed to say the least. He pointed out we were STILL climbing in a 45* turn 200 FPM. That's on a Rotax 912.

Now I get what people are talking about when they say the 172 is a great trainer and very forgiving. Fun to fly it ain't.
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Definitely! Today's flyin was rained out. But once a weekend here in central Arkansas there is a flyin somewhere. There might only be a dozen aircraft. There might be more.

Kids. Families. Old guys. It's a blast...
brian];1523153 said:
Definitely! Today's flyin was rained out. But once a weekend here in central Arkansas there is a flyin somewhere. There might only be a dozen aircraft. There might be more.

Kids. Families. Old guys. It's a blast...

Gastons is coming up next month. I flew in there last weekend withy the FAM for a quick overnighter. Make sure your barnstorming skills are up to par. Shoot the gap between the hills, push the front end over to dump altitude while turning right to get inline with the strip, avoid the two trees on really short final and do your best not to lock up the wheels as your airframe rattles and shakes from all the mini potholes on the grass strip. Food and fishing is good though.
We flew into Bulverde Air Park (1T8) near San Antonio today, for their monthly lunch fly-in. (Note: NOT breakfast! I wish there were more of these!)

It was VERY well attended! Here are some pix from this great little airport, where aviation is still very much alive and well!




Gastons is coming up next month. I flew in there last weekend withy the FAM for a quick overnighter. Make sure your barnstorming skills are up to par. Shoot the gap between the hills, push the front end over to dump altitude while turning right to get inline with the strip, avoid the two trees on really short final and do your best not to lock up the wheels as your airframe rattles and shakes from all the mini potholes on the grass strip. Food and fishing is good though.

Definite maybe... My wife has a lot going on that week, so I have a lot going on that week... But gastons is one of my favorite destinations.

One weekend I flew to pine bluff after the monthly fly in at carslile. Turned out they were having lunch and an airshow. Pretty cool watching a bunch of rv owners smoking up the sky ;)


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