Aviation is alive at Desert Aire M94

Your link doesn't provide universal access to the photos.

I hate that!!

I was just looking on my google photos for this, when viewing a photo in the web browser, there is a share button, then a 'get sharable link' option. Is that how you did it? Don't grab the url from your browser(if that is what you did ).
I was just looking on my google photos for this, when viewing a photo in the web browser, there is a share button, then a 'get sharable link' option. Is that how you did it? Don't grab the url from your browser(if that is what you did ).

I'll try that....."I think!!!"


Please let me know if this new link works.
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Yep, that works (if you meant to share 9 photos)

Also , you can test this yourself by running an incognito browser session and then open that link. Same as viewing as an anonymous user.

Chrome has that option, I suspect other browsers do too.
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Looks like they are going to do it quick using the asphalt buggy and belly dumps, I do asphalt never seeing done that way, our trucks dump in the buggy not on the ground, can see the advantages and disadvantages of it. Is going to be sweet having new runaway.
We did southwest Florida Intl. In Fort Myers about 8 yrs ago.
Runaway got milled before new layer? Laying SMA?
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Yep, that works (if you meant to share 9 photos)

Also , you can test this yourself by running an incognito browser session and then open that link. Same as viewing as an anonymous user.

Chrome has that option, I suspect other browsers do too.

Thanks for the tip!
Looks like they are going to do it quick using the asphalt buggy and belly dumps, I do asphalt never seeing done that way, our trucks dump in the buggy not on the ground, can see the advantages and disadvantages of it. Is going to be sweet having new runaway.
We did southwest Florida Intl. In Fort Myers about 8 yrs ago.
Runaway got milled before new layer? Laying SMA?

I don't know. The base is 5" of pulverized asphalt and crushed rock. Granite should know what they are doing. They are huge and our engineers are on the job as well.

The runway is now 3/4 paved. Three lanes of 15'. They did have some equipment trouble today and are going to do the 4th lane tomorrow.:yes:
