Not ****ing me off. And it was a question. But I must have hit pretty close to the target, for you o get defensive. A personal attack would be more along the lines of:
Holy **** Ben why the hell do you care what a bunch of strangers on the internet think? You complained to the MC every time someone gave you one star on your threads It's not that I can blame the person who was doing it. Hell, you can't even make a single G-D flight that leaves the pattern without asking the board if you should make the flight or not. I mean grow a ****ing pair and just go fly, and quit being such a liberal beltway weenie that can't think for themselves, and can't do a single thing without getting validation from someone. Oh no, there might be cirrus clouds at FL270, and winds will be 5kts straight down the runway! Should I make the flight? I don't know, maybe I will ask the board to see if I should make the flight or not. If your name wasn't Ben, I would think you were a 12 year old girl that wonders what everyone at school is going to think about my new dress.
That, would be an example of a personal attack. Just wanted to clear that up in case you were confused.