Pre-takeoff checklist
Hi. I'm about to take my ATP check ride on June 16. I use ForeFlight on an iPAD mounted to the side window and within ForeFlight I use a Bad Elf portable GPS receiver to geo-locate my airplane UPON THE iPAD DISPLAY. The check ride and training airplane is all glass, so I'm expecting at least an MFD failure. With that in mind, do you think that the DPE will also "fail" my Bad Elf at the same time? My CFII thinks the DPE won't even let me use the Bad Elf at all on the ride. I can't find anything in the PTS that says anything one way or the other. My opinion (which counts for squat) is that the iPAD/ForeFlight/Bad Elf is a separate system to provide MFD redundancy. Even ATPs need redundancy, I think. So....does anyone have any thoughts on how I should handle this potential issue? Thanks.
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