ATC folks, your job is about to be outsourced...

I fly into leesburg quite often,not the airport I would choose to experiment,VFR pilots can come and go through a gate in the ADIZ. Just adding more confusion to our flying.
It will be interesting having somebody sounding like Apu from the Simpsons (or your local 7-11 clerk) giving you clearance. "Say again" will become the most heavily used phrase in aviation.

I hope it's not a far east Asian country, I listen to JFK tower often and the pilots on Asian airlines have such bad accents, that it makes it almost impossible to understand. I'd rather have an Indian, I talk to them almost daily at work so I'm used to it.
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Will the Bangalore and Vietnamese controllers have binoculars and a light gun sitting next to them, too?
Will the Bangalore and Vietnamese controllers have binoculars and a light gun sitting next to them, too?

Nahh, they'll have remote controlled access to drones flying around the vicinity of the airport with cameras attached. :lol:
Not likely.
In reality I'd guess they'll just set up super towers where several of these are run by a large staff. Like a center except instead of separate areas they'll have separate towered fields. Not sure how it'll help save staffing, takes the same number of man hours to monitor it, it's not like they can work several at once. It'll save on building and facility cost however.

Think of it as how lockmart runs flight service.

If it catches on. Once they get the user fees passed you guys can all foot the bill for it. That will be excellent.
If ATC hadn't fought centralization and recognized the regionalization was doomed to failure without a valid DR or BC option, this could be avoided.
They chose to install all the cameras on one tower. Wouldn't it help to add a camera at each end of the runway?
Saab began the first in Ornskoldsvik Airport in northern Sweden. In April, after a year-and-a-half of testing, controllers 90 miles away guide the dozen planes that land there daily by using video cameras.

Wow. A dozen planes a day. In this country those are called "uncontrolled airports."
Wow. A dozen planes a day. In this country those are called "uncontrolled airports."

Hey, that's two planes an hour.

(For 6 hours......then 18 hour coffee break)