Taxi to Parking
Not only yes, but HELL YES! In one instance, I took a coworker flying who was interested in flying... But I couldn't convince him to take lessons. He said "Well, I'm 50 now, and..." I told him, "In 10 years you're going to be 60, and you're either going to be a pilot, or you're not." No time like the present.
In addition, in your case, you have two things going for you: You're an engineer, and you operate machinery (boat, motorcycle, etc). Those two things will not only help with the training (you're likely to understand aerodynamics, aircraft systems, etc. quite easily) but will also make you a better pilot because they will have honed your hand-eye coordination and your penchant for thinking through things and learning about them. That last thing is something all pilots should have.
I would echo what Lance said as well. However, I'll point out that you're not likely to find many instructors who will explain things technically to the level you'll probably want. However, you have an excellent resource here in PoA - If your instructor can't answer your question (or at least not to your satisfaction), bring it here. We have an awful lot of collective knowledge for you to draw upon.
Good luck, and have fun!
Not only yes, but HELL YES! In one instance, I took a coworker flying who was interested in flying... But I couldn't convince him to take lessons. He said "Well, I'm 50 now, and..." I told him, "In 10 years you're going to be 60, and you're either going to be a pilot, or you're not." No time like the present.
In addition, in your case, you have two things going for you: You're an engineer, and you operate machinery (boat, motorcycle, etc). Those two things will not only help with the training (you're likely to understand aerodynamics, aircraft systems, etc. quite easily) but will also make you a better pilot because they will have honed your hand-eye coordination and your penchant for thinking through things and learning about them. That last thing is something all pilots should have.
I would echo what Lance said as well. However, I'll point out that you're not likely to find many instructors who will explain things technically to the level you'll probably want. However, you have an excellent resource here in PoA - If your instructor can't answer your question (or at least not to your satisfaction), bring it here. We have an awful lot of collective knowledge for you to draw upon.
Good luck, and have fun!