As you already know, The flying car is coming!


Pattern Altitude
Mar 10, 2014
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What do you folks think?

In the first video she mentioned with the TFX you need a valid pilots license do you think that will revitalize the pilot training program and GA as a whole? The way traffic is today on the ground it will only get worse in the future, more than likely people will want this technology, (Heck! I want it!).

We might not have the Cessna's, Cirrus, Piper...etc but GA just might thrive in the future!
I'll believe it when I see it.

Until then, I have better things to do.
So what rating would you have to have to pilot the car? 200mph nice cruse speed. I most likely will not be flying if it ever goes to market.
That's going to be a really expensive A&P bill when you get rear-ended at the McDonald's drive-through
That's going to be a really expensive A&P bill when you get rear-ended at the McDonald's drive-through

This and a hundred other reasons it will never be a reality and should not be a reality.

There will be flying cars but never in the garages of suburbia.
No flying cars in the future? I was watching a show last night and flying cars were part of everyday life.

There was this guy named George, Jane his wife, daughter Judy and his boy Elroy. Not only did they have flying cars but no parking problem. When you get to where you want to go, just push a button and the car folds up into a brief case. Then get on the moving sidewalk and go to where you need to be in the building.

And a cool talking robot maid that dresses like Hazel, plus all you have to do is tell the computer what you want to eat and presto.!!! It appears on the table.....
With such skimpy wings, I would call it a flying prostitute; no visible means of support. :D
Cool idea but I just cannot see how it could possibly co-exist with current GA and commercial aviation. Those "wings" will never work not with a pusher prop when it transitions into flying forward mode.

They call it a flying car but I see no wheels and it looks just like a drone to take passengers around?

If this is a real proposal and I were an investor in Terrafugia I'd be very concerned. :eek:
This thing still seems like the most practical and feasible solution so far that I have seen.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Until then, I have better things to do.

I'm sure this same level of skepticism happened when the first horseless automobile came out!

That's going to be a really expensive A&P bill when you get rear-ended at the McDonald's drive-through

McDonalds will adapt just like all of the other businesses in the past probably with authorized landing pad where you have to land, go into car mode and drive through the drive through. No solution is perfect but you make corrections as you go along!

The issue I have is how is weather going to affect when the car flies or not. If the weather is bad people would try to fly anyway.

I think the technology is there but we have to make it a little better!

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Until some newer tech comes out that makes them lighter and tougher or just different somehow, flying cars will be nothing more than a delicate car plus a bad aircraft as they have been down through history.
Until some newer tech comes out that makes them lighter and tougher or just different somehow, flying cars will be nothing more than a delicate car plus a bad aircraft as they have been down through history.

Impractical Rube Goldberg contraptions.

Cheers ;)
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I'm sure this same level of skepticism happened when the first horseless automobile came out!

It was indeed present when the first perpetual motion machine came out.

There is a really serious logical fallacy here. Just because some good idea came out once doesn't mean every crazy idea is good. Most of them are spectacularly stupid.

Used a Segway or Google Glass recently? Those were going to change the world….if you believed the hype.

There are many reasons to think a flying car is just about as stupid as a submarine/airplane.
There are those of us willing to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse and the rest of you who are in denial.
Has Terrafugia yet made any deliveries of their "LSA"? They've been working on it for a rather long time.
Getting closer to reality every day,not only flying cars,but most likely electric flying cars. You won't need an instrument ticket,just land and drive to the good weather. You gotta be a believer.