I am a little offended by this thread. My wife is Asian. She grew up in a poor third world country. Growing up she didn't have the advantages that almost all Americans have over her. She has been here 4 1/2 years now. In that time she has earned her drivers license. It cost me $7.67 more per year in insurance to add her. She has earned a master degree in accounting, volunteers at our church at least 3 days a week, is a substitute teacher at the public schools and has EARNED her American citizenship. She did not have the advantage of watching her parents drive everyday as most people here have done.
And talking about driving in big Asian cities. I used to race cars, not drag racing. I have been on two mile ovals at speeds around 180. I have been on 1/4 mile ovals where things happens so fast that if you have to think you have already crashed. But driving in any big Asian city scares the holy ned out of me.
Want to walk across the street? Pick out a small opening and go. One lane at a time. No one will wait for you. I thought they were honking their horn at me to get out of the way, until I found out they were warning other drivers that a pedestrian is in the street. Think that happens in the US?
And fear? Tell a taxi driver you need to be some place quickly. Once I needed to get to an airport. I told the taxi driver I am running late. He took off like a bullet, honking and swerving. This was at night. He turned into a very dark little side street that had a barricade blocking it. He rolled down the window and handed a person some cash. They opened the gate and off we go. I grabbed the driver by his collar and told him that if he stops for any reason I will remove his head. We got to the other side and they tore the gate open because the driver is not stopping.
Watch jeepney drivers in Manilla. Those vehicles sure don't meet any safety standards that the USA requires. No power anything. More tread on my finger than on the tires. I watched one jeepney driver drive, honk his horn, eat fried chicken and collect money all at the same time. One hand on the steering wheel, one hand on lunch, forearm honking, shifting with his knee, and holding his coin bucket between his legs. And rubbing fender guards with the jeepney next to it. Now top speed was only 30 miles an hour but this guy was not a bad driver. I found him fascinatingly talented.
My wife has been driving ever since she arrived in America. She still feels uncomfortable at interstate speeds. Her parking is still a little off. I don't have a little tiny Ford Thundercougorfalconbird, or a Tiny Speck made in Brazil for GM. I have a GMC 2500HD with the Duramax engine. That is what my wife learned to drive in. And she is only 4' 10" tall. I had to make a special seat cushion for her to sit in. She has her drivers license but she only drives when I am with her. I try to teach her all the little things I have learned in 40 years of driving. She is getting a 3 year old Subaru for her next birthday, but please don't tell her.
Next time you are on an interstate, look at the truck drivers. Look at how many aren't originally from America.