April Fool's Jokes


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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So back in 2010 this was my April Fool's joke:


This year, I sent an April Fool's joke to my friends here at work:

Ted@Work said:
So I’ve been keeping this under wraps, but I got an eMail from someone looking for the best option for what to do with their Lear 35. After crunching some numbers, dog hauling is about to get a lot faster.

Laurie I go to SimCom next week. She’ll need to PIC it for a while since I have no jet time and MU-2 time doesn’t count.


I ended up fooling all of my friends who I sent it to, but the point one of them made was that it was credible and realistic enough given the unbelievable things that happen to me.

Since it took 8 years between posting the MU-2 April Fool's joke and Cloud Nine getting an MU-2, that would project 2027 as when we get a Lear 35.

Set your clocks.
Not all premonitions come true. That same year I was on Facebook (yeah I was on FB at one time) and I posted that I was engaged for April Fools. Still single - and still flying singles.
Yeah but it has to actually be plausible.
Is it so much plausible? Or that it aligns with proclivities to land right side up on unlikely, unusual, wild goose chases?
Is it so much plausible? Or that it aligns with proclivities to land right side up on unlikely, unusual, wild goose chases?

Right side up is ok. I prefer landing inverted.