April fools jokes to do on flight instructor

Or if he belongs to a flight school, a memo from the flight school indicating that they are starting a new dress code requiring button dress shirts and ties.

And epaulets. Don’t forget the epaulets.
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A while back I found in an electronics bin a small blue electrical compoent, about the size of a C cell battery with a couple of wires coming from it. Printed on it was "CRITICAL SAFETY COMPONENT" and not much else. I used to leave it on the floor of the cockpit while other people were preflighting to see if they noticed.
Don’t use just any electrical component; for maximum effect you want to use a charged capacitor the size of a C cell.
It used to be a thing to tie down the tail ring on a plane that had just started up. I wouldn't like it, but I could tolerate that. I like a good April Fools joke myself, but it probably should be on the ground.

You could always tell him you've decided to quite flying via text about 10 minutes before the lesson...
How about some blue Gatorade in the tester while they ain't looking. Then when they are looking take a big swig and say ... "I love the taste of 100LL in the morning!"
I think this is the best one on here. I wish I had thought of this while I was still training! There's a similar prank to do out in public, but it involves a Windex bottle instead of a fuel tester. Though I think I'd buy a clean tester off Amazon that doesn't have lead residue...
April 1 is usually not hot, but leave the plane in the sun. Get some Kraft powdered Parmesan cheese, put some in large Tupperware, take the top off, and put it in the back well before you fly. Or just after you fly if the same instructor is using the plane for the next student. Smells fairly elementary school barfy.
With April 1 on the horizon, I have been trying to come up with Ways to prank my flight instructor. Preferably jokes that won’t get me kicked from the flying club. Anyone have funny ideas?
April Fools is aptly named. Don't be a fool.
April 1 is usually not hot, but leave the plane in the sun. Get some Kraft powdered Parmesan cheese, put some in large Tupperware, take the top off, and put it in the back well before you fly. Or just after you fly if the same instructor is using the plane for the next student. Smells fairly elementary school barfy.
Why??? I'd be adding a fee for freshening the plane up if that happened at my flight school.
After takeoff, casually mention, “I won’t be able to fly again for a week or so. I tested positive for covid this morning.”
I know an instructor that had a student weeks away from being checkride ready. Life got in the way a few times prior, but he was finally close. Then he called the instructor and said they were gonna have to pause things again to focus on his business for a while. Then she realized what day day it was.
April 1 is usually not hot, but leave the plane in the sun. Get some Kraft powdered Parmesan cheese, put some in large Tupperware, take the top off, and put it in the back well before you fly. Or just after you fly if the same instructor is using the plane for the next student. Smells fairly elementary school barfy.
You can do that in your plane. Not mine.

Or you can leave a jar of honey and claim its your relief jar when they ask what it is. Then give it to them.
Whatever it is, it won't top mine from a couple years ago.
Yeah, but look at the extremes you went to pull everyone’s leg. Staged the wedding and everything, that’s really over the top.
Yeah, but look at the extremes you went to pull everyone’s leg. Staged the wedding and everything, that’s really over the top.

I heard he even hired a young lady to pretend to marry him. I didn’t realize he had that much money.
Disconnect the P leads to the Magnetos.

@SkyChaser just warned me that this is a terrible idea because a mechanic may have to re-install them after they've been disconnected. Do it anyway. Send pictures.
One thing is take a beer bottle, rinse it out and fill it with water, then take it out and proceed to drink it while in flight. Don’t say anything, just start drinking and see if he notices.
Not a prank against a CFI, But this thread reminds me of prank that has been pulled a few times at our airport.'
There is a derelict 150 that has sat in a field sunk into the ground for many years. Meet someone at the airport for their first small airplane ride and you walk em out to the old 150.
Or if he belongs to a flight school, a memo from the flight school indicating that they are starting a new dress code requiring button dress shirts and ties.
And shorts. Lt. Dangle fit. Plus the epaulettes mentioned above, but solid black without stripes until they’re earned through the new rank and pay structure that will be discussed at a mandatory meeting set to start 15 minutes before his next lesson is scheduled to wrap up.
Sticky a different reg over the little aircraft reg on the aircraft panel
I was sitting in the flight school office one day with the flight school manager, when another CFI and his student walked in from a flight.

The student says to the CFI, “Are you going to call that number they gave us?”.

Fortunately it was a joke.
I accidentally pranked a line guy a long time ago. Two planes with similar tail numbers at the FBO. I was signed up in #1 and a student and CFI in #2. The CFI and I were pretty good friends. Somehow there was a mistake at the FBO rental counter and they had us scheduled in each other’s plane. We sorted it out but one of the line guys saw me and the CFI talking and getting into the same plane before the CFI realized she was in the wrong plane. Both of us took off at the same time, but I got back a couple minutes earlier. The same line guy came over, needing to talk with the CFI about something. He looked in the front seat and the back seat before asking where the CFI went. I didn’t know what he was getting at, so I said, “Well, she just wouldn’t stop talking!” That got him even more confused, and I finally figured out he didn’t realize she had moved into the other plane.

I guess it isn’t as funny as I remember it.
Come back from a solo XC and tell your CFI you were ramped checked and the FAA is going to call him.
My CFII and I have this clever but devastating game going.
I’m using their account for a course and keep getting asked one of their secret questions. Monday I text saying sorry to bother you yet again, but what’s the answer to, What year did you abandon your dreams?


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